Monday, February 7, 2011

I am the Egg Man

 I inspire millions to get through depressing ethical times, usually African citizens in poverty. Ive swam to Japan  from Mexico and got bored nine tenths of the way there and decided to go back, then go for a night of endless shrimp at red lobster and end up putting them out of business. I am a malevolent chess adversary. I don't get zits. My pet Raptor was created by a small fossil, a piece of dental floss, a a leprechauns hat and a chickens egg. He eats expensive literature.

I am the one who invented Starbucks, i am the one who decided the Obama would win, I'm the one who told Yoko Ono to stop singing and If i had a plane i would find Bin Laden. I invented a shoe that only costs 5 cents to make and I'm gonna sell them for 4 and i told the marketing team money inst everything. I made lemonade that's sugar free but tastes amazing  that will grow back hair, make you lose weight, fixes intimacy issues and all proceeds go to blind orphans. Ive wrote many great articles for Time magazine, the New Yorker and Cosmo, all of them on how to make the world better for you and anyone you can think of.

I am the egg man, they are the egg men.I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob. don't believe me ask Paul.i wrote come together and i know 1 and 1 and 1 is three. while i write this i get an email from my secretary all of the inanest framed men in prison have been set free due to my amazing essay skills. still don't believe I'm the egg man ask Ringo i helped him with octopus' garden I'm one of his friends to come and see. I'm a ruthless band manager i can get any gig no matter how bad you are i could even get Mr. van camp a show and that's no picnic.

 All of this and Ive never been to collage

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

“Grad Year” Those 2 Little Words

Graduation year. While typing those two words, I am reminded of elementary school when 'graduation' is still light years away. In fact, it still feels light years away. 5 more months and it still has not clicked that once I walk across that stage, I am a young adult, I am independent and responsible for my future. I expected grad year to be true to all of the cliches, the last days of high school, a year of memories and sentimental things, "ruling the school" so to speak. It is not at all like that, even though it is the last year of school, it is still school, the daily grind, studying, friends, and spending way too much money at caf. A change that I have noticed, however, is that I've somehow matured more in the past year than in my entire life, and while I was told that someday this would happen, I expected it to remain true to the theatrics and dramatization of the movies. A climax, a sudden realization, no, it has simply felt comfortable. Graduation year is not at all what I expected, it is the usual, and it is the end of my four year home, and maybe that is a little sentimental.