Wednesday, May 25, 2011

123 Main Street
Penticton, British Columbia,
V2A 3W1

May 25th, 2011

Central High School
 123 Main Street,
 Sportstown, British Columbia,
 V2A 1W3.

Dear Mr. Kleats

Hello, i am Vincent's father, James Curtis and it has come to my attention and as well as my concern that your coaching style isn't working to the best of it's possibilities. i do appreciate the time you put into coaching the boys. But the other parents and I wanted to bring this to your attention.

to begin with i find that the practices are not arranged in the best manner, its hard to plan out a practice drill but i don't see much planning be

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Monday, May 9, 2011

I'm so far away from my car

Many miles away students and teachers park, to attend a school of road raged aggressive simpletons. The impeccable distance from our automobiles is so great that if we gaze from the roof tops for miles, our cars would still be too far away. A parking lot sounds like a good solution to this outrageous circumstance but sad to say we already have two of them.

Self centered grade 11's who just got there N's  take up 90% of the so called student parking lot leaving the graduating class to fight over the remaining parking stalls. Why don't we get there earlier you might say, well the last guy to do that had his car crushed by a 2 foot raised ford F350. The idea of calling the insurance company would just end up with the principle telling you to park on the street. which results in being late for class because with all the time it would take to parallel park, wait for traffic to stop to get out and begin the 1 hour trek of walking to class.

Ive found "Albertine trucks" have become a style in our school. You know the ones with four doors, a long box and it being raised up 2 or 4 feet usually being driving by a single person blasting there cars stereo. which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't a safety hazard in those oh so small parking spots built for anorexic vehicles. but the duel rear wheels of theses trucks makes me actually wanna park on the street for the well being of my car...

not finished